The Legal Team
You Need Right Now

Attorneys Jill Frieders and Ashley Kuhn

Finding Our Law Office In Rochester

Frieders & Kuhn, L.L.P. is located at:

2778 Commerce Drive NW
Unit C
Rochester, MN 55901

Our law office is in the Sienna Business Condo on Commerce Drive NW between W Circle Drive NW and Technology Drive NW, just northeast of Sienna Square mall.

The office complex offers free visitor parking.

Please call 507-414-5558 or email us to schedule an appointment before visiting. We can also accommodate phone and videoconference meetings.

5 Items To Bring To Your First Attorney Meeting

When you make an appointment with Frieders & Kuhn, our staff will tell you if you need to bring anything to your first meeting with your lawyer. Depending on the nature of your situation, some items you may be asked to bring include:

  1. Timeline: We will want to know what happened and when it happened, as well as the dates of any related events. If you are pursuing a family law matter, the date you initially discussed a divorce, date of marriage, dates of separation or other relevant dates can help. If you or a loved one were in an accident, we will want to know not only the date of the accident, but dates of medical treatment and more.
  2. Documentation: This may include financial documents like bank statements in divorce cases or medical documents in a personal injury case.
  3. Correspondence: Letters, emails, texts and other correspondence, even the dates and times of phone calls, can be important. This might be communication with the other parent in a child custody case or with the insurance company in a car accident case, for example.
  4. Questions: We know you are going to have questions about your case. We encourage you to write them down ahead of time so we can be sure to answer them all during the meeting. Of course, we will be accessible and responsive for the duration of your case if any other questions arise along the way.
  5. Notepad: Either a paper notepad or the notepad app on your phone can be helpful for you to take note of the information we provide.

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